
måndag 8 juni 2015

Just where I need to be

Arrived at Stansted airport this morning, what a trek to get to Saschas! Sascha live close to East Grinstead in a village called Forrest Row. It's a very cute little village from what I saw on the way to her house. She made a roast dinner for us today and afterwards we watched a movie and drank wine in bed. So nice to finally get to spend some time with her again! 

Tomorrow we're going in to London and she's going to show me around, we're going to go full tourist! So be prepared for loads of pictures (+ she has a selfie stick, don't judge). I'm just in bed now and I'm absolutely knackerd, might read a few pages of my book and just relax cause I'm finally away on holiday.

Much love, Elin

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

Låter härligt å mysigt gumzan min ♡♡♡
Bara njuuuuteeer å ta dagen som den kommer. Pussar och kramar Älskar dig ♡♡♡ // mammi