
lördag 6 juni 2015

Stuarts leaving party

So, last night was my last day at work before holiday! And I finished at 8 pm, how lucky am I?! So I made it in good time to Stuarts leaving party, even had time to go home and drop stuff off and have a drink. Then we went to Beer and Skittles to meet all our friends for drinks. We had a really good time and some delicious cocktails! Except for Lornas spicy 11 Bloody Mary.. 
It was a bit weird seeing Stuart hugging everyone and saying bye, for me it still doesn't feel real that he is going away. Maybe it will hit me tomorrow when I wave him off at the airport, so sad but so happy for him at the same time!

We're in the hotel next to the airport now, but Stuart is just away to get us some fish and chip (got to have that one more time before he goes). I'm just in bed watching tv and being lazy, what a great man I have that goes out in the horrible weather to get us food! 

Also I have started to only write in English and I have put a translate button at the top left, is it working properly? Haha. Feels like I'm saving so much time not having to write in two different languages, but only if it works ok. Well now Stuart is here with the food!!

Much love, Elin 

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

Åååh känner så med dig Gumzan min ♡♡♡
Måste kännas konstigt... men tiden går snabbt snart är han hemma igen hos dig å du kommer hem till sverige i 2 veckor i juli. Längtar efter dig krama om dig. Å sen ska du åka på ditt livs äventyr till Afrika å voläntärarbeta. Så stolt över dig ♡♡♡ något jag själv aldrig hade vågat...
Sedan kommer du hem å jag kommer till dig i december, till dig och Stuart ♡♡♡ firar jul med er. Ska försöka dra med mig Elias oxo då.
Sänder dig massa kärlek å kramar å pussar. Å vilken tur att skype finns så du kan skypa med Stuart när han är borta å att vi kan skypa du och jag.
Pussar å massa kramar å mys nu riktigt.
Älskar dig flera tusen varv runt jorden ut i vintergatan flera gånger om ♡♡♡
